How To Get A 60% or Higher VA Heart Disability Rating

If you are a veteran with a service-connected heart disability, also known as a cardiac disability, you probably have questions about the proper VA heart disability rating given your particular situation.

There are quite a few heart disabilities recognized by VA.  Many of these use similar ratings criteria, and quite a few of them use the method we will be covering in this article.  But remember, there are a number of different ways VA can determine your proper disability rating for your service-connected heart condition.  One in particular that we want to cover here is diagnostic testing, which is important because of its use at multiple ratings levels and multiple diagnoses and because it can be a little difficult to understand for someone without specialized medical knowledge.  I’ll attempt to shed some light on that for you here.

Doctor holding stethoscope to patient's chest An Objective Test to Establish Your VA Heart Disability Rating

Cardiologist use a diagnostic test called an echocardiogram to assess your heart.  VA also uses this test to rate a heart disability.

Although your cardiologist can use an echocardiogram for other purposes, one important measurement from an echocardiogram is left ventricular dysfunction.  Your cardiologist may have used the term left ventricular dysfunction with you or in your medical records.  If not, related terms include:

  • Ejection fraction
  • Left ventricular ejection fraction, and
  • LVEF.

All three of these are the same thing.

What is left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)?

Your left ventricular ejection fraction is a general guideline for your heart function and heart health.  Left ventricular ejection fraction is essentially the measurement of the percentage of your blood that leaves you heart each time it pumps.  As you know, your heart is a muscle that squeezes, or contracts, to pump blood out.  When the heart relaxes, it fills with blood before contracting again to pump out the blood.

The left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) is the percentage of blood pumped out of the heart each time it pumps.  So, if your LVEF is listed as 65 or 65%, that means your heart pumps out 65% of the blood with each heartbeat.

So what is a normal reading for ejection fraction? Most healthy people are going to be in the 55% to 70% range for the percent of blood that’s pushed out each time that heart muscle contracts.  The lower the number the more heart damage there is, meaning the heart muscle is weaker and cannot push out as much of the blood from your heart.

How Left Ventricular Dysfunction Impacts Your VA Heart Disability Rating

If you have a service-connected heart disability and your LVEF is 50% or less, you should be able to be rated under this method.

VA uses the veteran’s measured ejection in two different ratings levels for heart disabilities.   Again, the lower the ejection fraction, the higher VA heart disability rating that you would receive. If your ejection fraction is under 30% then you should qualify for a 100% cardiac disability rating from VA.  If your ejection fraction is between 30% and 50% then you will qualify for a 60% VA heart disability rating.

A couple reviewing paperwork looking stressed Left ventricular dysfunction is only used at the 100% and 60% ratings levels. The next lower rating for most VA cardiac disabilities is a 30% VA disability rating.  However, at that point VA does not use the measurement of the veteran’s left ventricular dysfunction as a ratings criteria. Instead, VA looks at some other factors that I cover in another article on symptoms with exertion and a future article on changes in the heart muscle.  Look for that one soon.

Don’t Stress Out Over Your VA Heart Disability Rating

VA heart disability ratings can be highly technical.  They require familiarity with five different methods of rating the disability depending on its severity.  Each of those five methods requires some degree of medical knowledge.  Some veterans are able to learn that and apply it to their own claim.

Other veterans prefer to have an attorney help with that process.  If you have any questions about your claim for disability compensation, whether related to a cardiac disability or not, feel free to reach out to us for a free consultation on your claim.

Travis Studdard is an attorney who focuses on representing veterans in VA disability compensation claims.  He regularly writes about issues that are important to veterans and their families.

You can subscribe to his Veterans Disability channel on YouTube.

I saw Travis on some YouTube videos. It was the way he worded things, I just felt compelled to contact them about my situation, he seemed trustworthy. Travis told me he thought he could help me. I was hesitant, but proceeded. The claim process was long, but my claim was granted. They are organized and punctual. Jessica and Travis are a strong team. I feel the Lord led me to Perkins & Studdard. I consider Travis an advocate and friend. ThanksCorby Reese
It has been a pleasure working with Jason and firm, very knowledgeable and professional, He did awesome job to get settlement that I need for my workmen comp case which was fair in my case, cause the insurance company was trying low ball me and not give me nothing but Jason fix that ….I truly recommend Perkins&studdard any workmen comp case that you have and also want thank Tina also for helping me along this process Thank you Perkins&studdardjahbari swint
Thank you Jason and Tina for everything you've done. Much appreciated. Great law firm! Great results!! Thank you!!! (Austin and Valerie)Valerie Mellinger
Travis and the team working on my VA claim are awesome. I’m happy with their integrity and diligence on working on my claim.Chris “Greybeard” Mullennix
I can't express enough how great it was to work with Perkins Studdard. They are extremely knowledgeable, professional and keep you aware of everything happening with your case. Very friendly from the front office to Mr. Perkins. I would HIGHLY recommend Perkins Studdard!James Strickland
I recommend Travis for an Veteran that has been dealing with constant denial with claims. He also , cover cost for my nexus letter when I ran into financial troubles , that helped me win my case.edwin Cook
I highly recommend Travis Studdard to represent anyone looking to help with VA claims. The VA is very difficult to deal with when attempting to get benefits from service connected injuries, at least that's my experience. Travis and his team knows the VA system and the legal procedures to help you get what you deserve. Travis was kind and passionate with me throughout this process and therefore, I highly recommend this law firm to represent DAV's.Terry Hembree
Such an awesome team. They spoke to me like a person and helped me through every decision with knowledge.Kevin Collett
Highly recommend this firm. Did exactly what they said they were going to and fairly timely. The VA is sometimes extremely difficult to navigate but this took all the leg work away from me and got me the result I thought was fair.Andrew Boone
Amazing staff, very informed along with excellent communication. Within just a few weeks of work, Mr Studdard was able to make things happen that normally take years! Highly recommendJacob Sylvester

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