Unless you have waived SGLI coverage, you also have TSGLI coverage. Most servicemembers have not waived coverage. Even though YOU are covered, you still need to make sure your particular situation is covered. In this article, we will talk about the two types of TSGLI coverage – full time and part time.
Who Is Covered by Traumatic Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance?
Everyone who is a member of the uniformed services with SGLI are automatically covered by TSGLI. If you had an injury between October 7, 2001 and November 30, 2005, you are covered by TSGLI even if you did not have SGLI coverage at the time of your traumatic injury.
Family members who are covered under Family SGLI are not covered under TSGLI.
What Are the Coverage Periods for Traumatic Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Protection?
For the most part, you are covered under TSGLI for the same time periods as you are under SGLI. The exception to this rule is that TSGLI coverage terminates at midnight on the date you separate from service, whereas SGLI continues for at least 120 days after separation from service. During your service you can be classified as either Full Time or Part Time for TSGLI purposes, which will also affect specific moments of coverage.
Servicemembers Covered Under Full Time Traumatic Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Protection Program
If you are covered under full time SGLI, you are also covered under full time TSGLI. That means you are covered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. There are no gaps in your coverage from the time your coverage starts until such time you are separated from service. So, if you have a traumatic injury, there is no question about where you were or what you were doing. You are covered no matter what so long as you meet other qualifying criteria. To be covered under full time TSGLI coverage, you must:
- perform active duty or active duty for training under a call or orders that specifies 31 days or more, OR
- be a Ready Reservist who is assigned to a unit where you are scheduled to drill at least 12 times per year. It makes no difference whether you are drilling for pay or for retirement points.
Servicemembers Covered Under Part Time Traumatic Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Protection Program
This one’s a little different than full time coverage. As the name implies, it only applies part of the time rather than 24/7/365 coverage. Part time TSGLI coverage means your policy applies to traumatic injuries that occur on actual days of duty and while traveling directly to and from your scheduled duty. So, if something happens to you on the way to your base where you drill, you are still eligible for TSGLI benefits. You are subject to part time TSGSLI coverage if:
- you are a Ready Reservist under a call or order that is for less than 31 days, OR
- you are a Ready Reservist who is not scheduled for drill at least 12 times during the year.
Your status as full time or part time can change depending on your circumstances. You can become eligible for full time TSGLI coverage if you meet those criteria for a period of time and then drop back down to part time TSGLI status.
Coverage Doesn’t Mean You Necessarily Qualify for Payments Under the Traumatic Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Program
You still have to prove you meet the other elements of a successful TSGLI claim. There is too much on those topics to cover here. Check back in the future as we continue to educate veterans and their families on these types of claims. In the meantime, if you have any questions about your TSGLI claim, whether you have yet to apply or have already been denied, feel free to contact us for a free consultation. If you are looking at TSGLI, you probably also qualify for VA disability benefits, which we also handle. You can click on the “Need Help” tab on this page or reach us by phone or email.